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Firostefani, Santorini, Greece

The unique view!!! Typical cycladic architecture, small pathways for evening strolls. Taverns and small shops close by. It is located in the traditional village Firostefani which is on the middle of the Caldera and like that a good starting point to other places.

It is only 10min on foot to the main town Fira along the scenic pathway. There you can visit museums, attend concerts etc. I love the different music festivals, like in August in Megaron Gyzi – free admission and renown artists, jazz to classical. And in September the Santorini International Music Festival mainly with classical Music.

In summer we usually stay three weeks at the house and often we donĀ°t leave Firostefani in the first week! Just the house and its neighbourhood… thats enough to enjoy.

Getting around

Bus stop close by. Parking 3 min. on foot.

For transport from the airport we can give you contact details of a reliable agency in Firostefani.